
The WEYTEC visualizationPLATFORM (WVP) transforms an entire display environment into a personal visual workplace with a boundless pixel area.

This hardware-based IP solution displays PCs and video sources in freely scalable windows on monitors and video walls. It integrates separate displays into a continuous visualisation surface, across which operators can react and interact more efficiently.

All sources can be freely and individually placed, scaled and moved, even on a single monitor, for the simultaneous display of x-different sources. Thanks to the modular architecture, the solution can be extended to a virtually unlimited number of sources and screens.

The WVP is designed for 24/7 operations. It can be managed using a web-based user interface with a graphical editor. Users can easily adjust the position and size of windows as well as activate layouts (presets). All changes are transmitted in real-time to the regular and personal video walls.

IP Remote transmitters, IP video encoders, IPTV headends, IP cameras and other streaming sources can be displayed on the video wall. Every display is connected to a dedicated smartVISUAL Receiver. The solution supports multiple display types and resolutions. The smartVISUAL Receiver can freely scale and position all video signals. Communication between the sources and receivers is via a dedicated standard IP network. The solution is controlled by one or more redundant master units.