
Air traffic services employ many skilled and diverse categories of personnel.

Entry Point North offers premium air traffic control (ATC), air traffic services (ATS) and flight information services (FIS) training to ATS personnel from all over the world.

Training complies with EUROCONTROL CCC and ICAO regulations.

Entry Point North offers the following ATC training courses:

  • Basic Air Traffic Control (Basic ATC)
    The Basic ATC course is designed to give students a foundation level of knowledge and understanding in the work as an air traffic controller (ATCO) and the complete air traffic management (ATM) system. Successful completion of this course enables them to progress further onto rating training courses.
  • Approach Control Surveillance (APS)
    The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to student air traffic controllers in order to enable them to receive a student certificate of competency for ‘Aerodrome Control Instrument’ ADI ratings with endorsements Tower Control (TWR), Aerodrome Radar Control (RAD), Air Control (AIR) and Ground Movement Control (GMC).
  • Aerodrome Control Instrument Rating (ADI)
    The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to student air traffic controllers in order to enable them to receive a student certificate of competency for ‘Aerodrome Control Visual’ ADV and ‘Aerodrome Control Instrument’ ADI ratings with endorsements Tower Control (TWR), Aerodrome Radar Control (RAD), Air Control (AIR) and Ground Movement Control (GMC).
  • Area Control Surveillance (ACS)
    The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to student controllers in order to enable them to receive a student certificate of competency for Area Control Surveillance rating.
  • Approach Control Procedural (APP)
    The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to student air traffic controllers in order to enable them to receive a student certificate of competency for an ATC Approach Procedural endorsement (APP).
  • Area Control Procedural (ACP)
    The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to student air traffic controllers in order to enable them to receive a student certificate of competency for an Area Control Procedural (ACP) rating.
  • Other ATC-related training courses that comply with EUROCONTROL CCC and ICAO regulations.

Entry Point North offers the following ATS and FIS Training courses:

  • Basic Air Traffic Services (Basic ATS)
    The course is designed to give students a basic knowledge and understanding of the work in air traffic services (ATS). The course is suitable as a basic platform for a wide range of different professions within ANS such as ATCO assistant, AIS officer, flight data operator, NOTAM office officer, AFIS operator, Information officer.
  • Aerodrome Flight Information (AFIS)
    The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to the Aerodrome Flight Information Service Officer (AFISO) students in order to enable them to qualify for an Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) student certificate of competency for Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS).
  • Aerodrome Flight Information with Surveillance (AFIS SUR)
    This course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to the Aerodrome Flight Information Service Officer (AFISO) students in order to enable them to qualify for an Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) student certificate of competency for Aerodrome Flight Information Service with Surveillance (AFIS SUR)
  • AFIS Refresher
    The AFIS Refresher course is designed for Aerodrome Flight Information Service Officers (AFISO) to refresh their operational knowledge and skills and present the updates on developments. The course aims to provide the participants with a deeper knowledge of both limitations and reactions to different situations, during normal operations as well as unusual events.