Spanish construction multinational Ferrovial has partnered with UK-based property developer Milligan to identify and develop sites to launch Urban Air Mobility (UAM) operations and build vertiports in the UK.

The two companies will identify demand-rich locations, select potential sites, and carry out assessment criteria to determine the viability of each site for electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOL) operations.

The collaboration will advance Ferrovial’s plans to design, build, and operate the first vertiports in the UK.

AECOM and Lichfields are acting as planning advisors to support the initiative.

“Freedom of movement is critical to global economic and social advancement,” said Brad Miller, Ferrovial Vertiports UK and EMEA managing director.

“With a 70-year history of developing transportation infrastructure that helps communities flourish and grow, Ferrovial is proud to play a leading role in transforming the future of urban air mobility.”

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According to the companies, vertiports will “play a critical role” in enabling UAM operations by offering sustainable, convenient air connections in and between cities.

Imperatives for the locations being sought are that they are compatible with airspace requirements, are at least 4,000 square metres, with connectivity to utilities, and avoid residential or noise-sensitive areas.

Milligan and Ferrovial are now in active discussions with local authorities, landowners, and asset owners in strategic UK locations that align with Ferrovial Vertiports’ demand model.

In March, Ferrovial Vertiports signed a Letter of Intent with Eve Air Mobility to explore the use of Eve’s urban air traffic management software solution to support the operation of vertiports and eVTOL aircraft.