Five Ways to Enhance Airport Safety and Passenger Confidence in a Post-Covid-19 World
By VeovoThe air transport industry’s ability to demonstrate that it can support safe distancing will be a critical factor to encourage travellers to take to the skies again. But confidence will need to be earned.
With their health and safety potentially on the line, passengers will want reassurance that airports are taking the right measures. How long are the queues? When were surfaces last sanitised? Which are the least crowded areas in which to wait?
Success will, in part, come down to the airport’s ability to predict and measure passenger movement and densities, and using that knowledge to manage people distribution.
Download this white paper to learn how to minimise risk in the new normal by
· Predicting and pre-empt crowding
· Supporting safer, smaller queues
· Empowering customers with right-time communications
· Integrating passenger flow context into operational decisions
· Planning for volatility