
Entry Point North is a leading air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) training provider offering a complete solution, including basic and all qualification domains.

Qualification courses can be delivered as separate streams such as SUR-PSR or as combined courses, including SUR Combined, a course combining all SUR streams. All courses are in accordance with the EUROCONTROL Specifications for ATSEP CCC Initial Training.

Courses include:

  • ATSEP Basic
    The ATSEP Basic course is designed to impart basic knowledge and skills to technical personnel or ab-initio students operating and maintaining air traffic management (ATM) equipment.
  • ATSEP Qualification Shared
    The course is designed to impart domain-related knowledge and skills appropriate to the shared qualification stream.
  • ATSEP Qualification Communication (ATSEP COM Combined)
    The course is designed to impart domain-related knowledge and skills appropriate to the communication (COM) qualification streams (COM-Voice and COM-Data).
  • ATSEP Qualification Navigation (ATSEP NAV Combined)
    The course is designed to impart domain-related knowledge and skills appropriate to the navigation (NAV) qualification streams.
  • ATSEP Qualification Surveillance (ATSEP SUR Combined)
    The course is designed to impart domain-related knowledge and skills appropriate to the surveillance (SUR) qualification streams (SUR-PSR, SUR-SSR, SUR-ADS).
  • ATSEP Qualification Data Processing (ATSEP DAT Combined)
    The course is designed to impart domain related knowledge and skills appropriate to all the systems, monitoring and control (SMC) qualification streams (SMC-COM, SMC-NAV, SMC-SUR, SMC-DAT)
  • ATSEP Qualification Systems, Monitoring and Control (ATSEP SMC Combined)
    The course is designed to impart domain related knowledge and skills appropriate to all the systems, monitoring and control (SMC) qualification streams (SMC-COM, SMC-NAV, SMC-SUR, SMC-DAT).
  • ATSEP On-the-Job Training (OJTI) and Assessor
    The course aim is to impart the ATSEP training instructor with knowledge and tools to be able to perform as an OJT instructor and coach in the OJT phase on practical exersices on equipment (standby or real equipment or special equipment for development and training purposes).