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Coronavirus Influencers

Wuhan coronavirus spread is impacting the airline industry.

As the coronavirus continues to spread the travel industry is among those most severely affected. Airlines,such as British Airways, KLM, Lufthansa, Air Canada have announced their suspension of flights to and from China.

Hong Kong airport remains one of the threat areas for the virus to spread. Many countries have expanded their screening process at airports to identify possibly infected passengers and so curb the spread of the disease.
Airport retailers are among the businesses most likely to be impacted by the outbreak.

GlobalData’s new Coronavirus Influencer dashboard, analyses the latest Twitter postings from key individuals and companies to helps readers identify the latest trending keywords, hashtags, mentioned companies and countries,enables users to track breaking developments and Twitter activity around the outbreak in near real-time.

GlobalData’s Coronavirus social media dashboard uses a key list of influencers, which includes CEO’s, Technologists, Physicians, Aviation and other sector experts, actively sharing their views and opinions on twitter.

For Data organisation – A series of keywords (related to coronavirus) are passed through the universe (of shortlisted influencers) of tweets to identify and display the most recent and most popular once. Using AI techniques such as NLP, the count of relevant hashtags, keywords, companies and countries are generated for the selected timeline.

The top influencers sections displays the influencers based on the number of relevant tweets around the topic. The list is dynamic and keeps refreshing on its own.