
Lima Airport Partners (LAP) has selected AERTEC Solutions to supervise, coordinate and validate the introduction of the new airport information system (AIS) at Jorge Chávez International Airport, Lima, Peru.

The AIS forms part of the CORE ICT systems, which will provide the airport with a central information and management hub geared at automating and integrating all operational processes and systems. One of the key features of the AIS consists of better management of how airport resources are assigned to provide a better service to the airport’s different partners.

The international engineering and consultancy firm specialised in aeronautics and the British consultancy firm McCor, which specialises in airport ICT systems, will be responsible for managing the project, its technical assurance and providing support to the design of the airport systems’ architecture concerning both hardware and software aspects. They will also supervise its installation and conduct integration testing, along with a review of technical transition procedures.

The AIS project falls within the framework of Jorge Chávez International Airport’s modernisation and expansion project, which is of vital importance to LAP since it involves a change in the way operations will be conducted in the short and medium-term. Thanks to the exchange of information the AIS will provide, it will be possible to conduct more fluid operations and improve the passenger experience, operational efficiency and the airport’s profitability.

This is not the first time AERTEC Solutions has worked at this airport in Lima. In 2015, it designed the airfield’s enlargement, which included a second runway running parallel to the current runway, the new terminal building’s parking apron and the set of taxiways to interconnect these infrastructures to already existing infrastructures.

The consultancy firm specialised in aeronautics was also responsible for designing all the associated aeronautical systems, which included visual runway and taxiway aids, lighting systems, fuel supplies, the apron docking guidance system and the electricity supply systems needed for all these facilities.

This new contract has strengthened AERTEC Solutions’ positioning in Latin America, where it has several airport engineering and consultancy projects in countries like Colombia, Panama, Brazil, Chile and Peru.