Keysoft Solutions


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AeroSTRIPE - Intelligent Airside Marking Design Software

Keysoft Solutions provides specialist software to optimise productivity, efficiency and safety in accordance with designs for roads, landscapes and airsides. Keysoft Solutions is the company behind KeyLINES, the market-leading road management and traffic design software.


Ardencroft Court,
Ardens Grafton,
B49 6DP,
United Kingdom
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cartoon airport with planes landing

Keysoft Solutions provides specialist software to optimise productivity, efficiency and safety in accordance with designs for roads, landscapes and airsides. Keysoft Solutions is the company behind KeyLINES, the market-leading road management and traffic design software.

Introducing AeroSTRIPE for airport marking design

AeroSTRIPE is a dedicated airside marking design application, developed by Keysoft Solutions to enable airports around the world to plan and visualize the markings required with ease, accuracy and speed.

It aids runway, taxiway and apron design through its extensive records of US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) airport markings and symbols, ensuring that all conform to the necessary dimensions. The airside design application allows designers to draw complex sets of markings as single entities, saving time on each and every drawing.

AeroSTRIPE offers a complete solution for designing airside markings.
AeroSTRIPE offers 3D visualizations for a greater clarity in designs of airport markings.
The software enables precision in the design of markings for airport runways.

AeroSTRIPE is an all-in-one suite for drawing intricate airport markings that meet recognised industry standards, saving the need to use multiple CAD methods. Its flexible labelling system enables users to make notes to explain designs, which can be edited when necessary.

Its compatibility with industry software AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map ensures familiarity and easy-of-use. DWG output files can be quickly shared with clients and design partners.

Key features

Complete and compliant airside markings

AeroSTRIPE is designed to improve the way airside marking projects are managed, allowing designers to quickly, easily and confidently draw a wide range of airport markings that adhere to both ICAO and FAA requirements as well as the Airports Council International (ACI) Apron Markings and Signs Handbook.

AeroSTRIPE uses rule-based marking, ensuring that features are created within the boundaries permitted by design standards. AeroSTRIPE has also been designed to take local standards and the best practices into account, and allowing symbols and lines to be customised.

3D visualization or airport markings

As well as ensuring that airside markings are in accordance with industry regulations, the software can help boost safety at airsides. AeroSTRIPE features a number of tools to enable 3D visualizations to be quickly generated, with views possible from any point in the drawing. To assist with visualization and safety audits, you can quickly generate 3D views as seen from the aircraft or how the ground crew would see them. You can enhance your drawings with 3D features to account for buildings, walls and signs.

Edit airside markings with ease

AeroSTRIPE retains its objects as ‘sets of markings’, making editing considerably quicker and easier. For example, when using this application, there is no need to adjust or redraw black outlines every time the main marking is changed, black edge stripes are automatically redrawn each time the main marking is modified.

Quantity take-off

Working out the total length of lines can be a lengthily process. AeroSTRIPE users can instantly generate a table of quantities of the features in the drawing. The software enables the creation of the whole drawing or just individual aspects where options need to be assessed. The drawing schedules can be extracted to allow costing where rates are available.

Comprehensive support

Keysoft Solutions’ support services include free upgrades to your software and support via telephone, email and remote desktop. Keysoft Solutions also helps to keep users up to date with the current standards and legislation, inviting users to attend various online training sessions and screen share events.

White Papers

Press Releases

  • Innovative Airside Marking Software Takes Off Internationally

    Having successfully attracted interest from airports in Europe, the Americas and Australia since its launch last year, AeroSTRIPE, an innovative marking software developed by Keysoft Solutions, looks set to revolutionise the way airport planners, designers and engineers manage airside marking projects.

Keysoft Solutions Ltd
Ardencroft Court
Ardens Grafton
B49 6DP
United Kingdom

Fax Number
Keysoft Solutions Inc
225 Franklin Street
Suite 2600
United States of America

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