
Following the installations of DCV systems in Europe (Toulouse), Asia (Dubaï) and Canada (Montréal), ALSTEF will bring the DCV technology to a fourth client in the fourth continent.

The Moroccan National Airports Authority (ONDA) has chosen ALSTEF to supply the baggage handling system of the new international terminal of OUJDA ANGADS. The state-of-the-art terminal with a capacity of two million pax was necessary because of the tourism expansion on the north-east coast of Morocco, and particularly in the resort of Saïda.

ALSTEF will supply a turnkey installation for the sortation and screening of hold baggage by means of DCV’s Autover system, developed with the company BEUMER. The installation will handle 1,440 bags per hour and includes:

At departure

  • 32 check-in desks
  • The screening machines for the 100% hold baggage screening
  • The automatic sortation of bags on 18 chutes

At arrival

  • X-ray machines for custom control
  • Three carrousels for baggage reclaim

This installation is due to operate in 2009 and will be the most advanced BHS in operation in Africa.