
As the aviation business prepares for a longer period of co-existence with the coronavirus, INFORM has already been working with its customers to implement further digital solutions aimed at both protecting staff and passengers from the risks of infection as well as strengthening operations in an environment of increased uncertainty.

Based on this experience, Uschi Schulte-Sasse, senior vice-president of INFORM Aviation, will share advice on building a resilient ground operation adapted to today’s novel circumstances. The webinar will discuss the following points:

  • Evaluate the impact of process changes and create digital models to maintain staff productivity and operational resilience.
  • Learn how INFORM’s Corona Tracing and WebApps can help monitor staff contacts and quickly trace all people who have been exposed to the virus before it spreads.
  • Discover how you can use the opportunity to re-prioritize environmental sustainability going forward.

The live webinar took place on 23 June 2020 during the World Aviation Festival webinar series. To watch the full recording, please click on the “On-Demand Webinar” link on our company details page.