
INFORM has started distributing its workforce management software solutions at the Indonesian hubs of ground handler Gapura Airport Services.

The implementation of GroundStar’s Planning module and WorkforcePlus is part of a major resource management system restructuring. The ground handling service in Indonesia enhanced their technological capabilities with the German software in order to support Gapura’s high standards towards excellence in technology and services. Gapura now operates on more flexible and optimised schedules.

Planning for more than 6,000 employees used to be carried out by numerous team leaders and supervisors in different documents. Now it can be managed centrally by a small group of planners in one program, thus, creating more transparency and a more effective workflow.

“The system provides a better overview, enabling the planners to see what’s going on in each team and where an employee-swap would make sense”, says Lars Boennen, project manager at INFORM.

Gapura has already achieved first successes in this monumental change management process. “After only one week of implementation, employees have already adapted to the new system and roster”, says Ridwan Irianto, project director for Gapura.

The planners now use the centralised data to create optimised and more flexible schedules. They can, for example, adjust working patterns and shift-length according to their fluctuating needs. Overtime reporting is now facilitated and can be better controlled.

The software’s ‘staffing wizard’ can find substitutes for sick employees. The suggestions are automatically drawn from the centralised database. “The flexibilisation is, of course, a step by step process”, says Sebastian Mucha, consultant at INFORM. “In order to guarantee a soft transformation, the software allows for self-paced flexibilisation.”

The project teams in Jakarta were trained and enabled by INFORM to handle the roll-out to all Gapura work areas and airports in Indonesia. The teams bring in the operational knowledge. The system is currently rolled-out to hubs in Denpasar, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan, Balikpapan and Yogyakarta.

The kick-off for the new resource management system and the cooperation between INFORM and Gapura’s affiliate IT service provider PT Aero Systems Indonesia (Asyst) was in October 2015. In the first phase of the project, the system was implemented at Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. INFORM supported the centralisation of the planning process. The new system incorporates all relevant data for every employee, therewith optimising the data management significantly and creating more transparency.

The next phase, planned for 2019, targets the implementation of real-time management. Once the project is complete, more than 6,000 employees will be effectively managed with the help of INFORM’s software.