
Since the acquisition of Smith Airfield Lighting Equipment AS of Norway in 2002, the manufacturing of the Clearway brand of Taxiway Guidance Signs (TGS) has been integrated into our base workshops located at our head office. The illuminated airfield sign has been further developed, improving reliability, power efficiency and maintainability whilst reducing the overall life cycle costs.

The Movement Area-Guidance Signs (MAGS) are constructed in two heights, depending on whether they are mandatory signs or information signs. Both types can be manufactured with a single fascia or as a double-sided sign with two fascias.

The length of the signs is dependant upon the legend to be displayed; however the MAGS are manufactured up to 14 standard lengths to a maximum of 6.2m.

Either style can be illuminated with long-life fluorescent tubes, cold cathode tubes or tungsten halogen lamps, operating from either a 230v AC supply, or an airfield ground-lighting series circuit operating from 2.8A to 6.6A.

The light output is fully compliant with ICAO, FAA, CAP168, JSP 554 and JIS Z 8724 requirements, and can be used on airfields operating under category I, II and III operations. The brilliancy of the sign is optional dependant upon the application requirement, being either a fixed output or a dimmable option determined by the AGL circuit current.

Further products available to compliment the range of Clearway guidance signs are the Illuminated Runway Distance Markers (IRDM) the illuminated Stand Number Indicators (SNI) and non-illuminated retro-reflective signs.