
Following exceptional reviews of the inaugural Boundaries of Security Report, its publishers, Future Fibre Technologies, are pleased to announce that the 2011 edition will be released at the 2010 Milipol World Exhibition of Internal State Security on October 25th in Doha, Qatar.

The Boundaries of Security Report is a global resource for airport security professionals, as it provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest perimeter security systems with detailed references to some of the world’s busiest airports.

The 89-page report is designed to provide security consultants, managers and specialists with invaluable insight into the fast paced world of perimeter protection.

“The Boundaries of Security report analyses complex and inter-related issues (technical, policy, human nature, etc.) in a very balanced and logical way, reflecting reality rather than hype,” says Ian Bergman, Government liaison manager at Dyesol.

He continued, “It touches on many subtleties in the area of perimeter protection, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the industries technologies very well in an obviously unbiased way.”

Boundaries of Security: 2011 will provide security professionals with the latest market research and emerging industry trends, plus best practice recommendations for infrastructure and high value asset protection.

It examines the different global perimeter security products available today, including FFT’s Secure FenceTM which has recently been installed near the US-Mexico border for McAllen-Miller International Airport. In addition, it will also contain technical whitepapers from FFT’s chief technology officer, Dr Jim Katsifolis, and FFT’s international client manager, Alec Owen.

Valued at $300, the 2010 Boundaries of Security report is still available for free to qualified individuals. Orders can be placed directly at the FTT website.