Since 2019, Adecs AirSystems has been involved in the Airport Technology (field) Lab of Rotterdam, The Hague Innovation Airport. The field lab was initiated to support the development, testing, and demonstration of new (digital) products and services for airports. Adecs AirSystems has a primary role in the project. We developed and implemented the Open Airport Platform, the backbone of ATL, by redesigning our Airport Information Management System, AirLink, into an open system. The platform enables easy access for third parties to the infrastructure and data needed for the development of their new products.

On 8 June, a showcase event will be held at Rotterdam The Hague Airport.

AirLink is an Airport Information Management System designed for regional airports. The Airport Technology Lab is made possible by the European Regional Development Fund and Kansen voor West II.

For more information (brochure) or an online demo, please get in touch via the links on our profile.