

AGLC represents the software application package proposed by OCEM as the airport lighting control and monitoring system. AGL allows to manage from regional through international hubs airports, thanks to its modular and scalable design.

AGL Console, as main ALCMS (Airport Lights Control and Monitoring System) application, presents an intuitive graphic user interface / HMI, that:

  • Shows the current overall airport lights’ status, as located on airport map layout
  • Shows the current status of all CCRs and various units, highlighting specific alarms
  • Allows to forward commands if the mastership is acquired, by tower and maintenance operators; only one station a time can hold the command mastership to control CCRs and other units
  • Manages the preset commands, as per visibility mode (day, twilight, night), runway visual range and category of operations (CAT)
  • Allows to command CCRs in ‘single mode’ or in ‘group mode’, as circuits are grouped for functionalities and redudancies
  • Shows a different layout, tailored for Control & Maintenance operators