

ControlCenter-Digital is a modular digital KVM matrix switch that lets air traffic controllers operate multiple computers over multiple consoles. The system consists of three components:

  1. A central module, which connects user consoles and computers
  2. Computer modules, which forward signals from computers to the matrix
  3. User modules to connect the consoles on which users work

ControlCenter-Digital offers up to 288 dynamic ports for computers or consoles consisting of keyboard, monitor and mouse. The system supports CAT cables and fibre optics even in mixed mode. Variants with 160 and 80 Ports for smaller installations are also available.

The system can be cascaded up to three levels and it’s compatible with all ControlCenter-Compact devices. Broad range of helpful functions like CrossDisplay-Switching, USB Pinning, Port grouping, Monitoring and SNMP provide even more flexibility and usability.