
Covid-19 has brought many changes to our lives, including heavy travel restrictions.

As we understand that some clients have a need for continuous training, we see the importance of creating new ways of delivering courses that ensure a safe work and study environment. This is why we are proud to say that with joint efforts from staff working from home, we have delivered theoretical classes online with great results and feedback.

We currently offer OJTI Refresher, Assessor Refresher, ATSEP Basic, ATSEP Meteorology and all ATSEP Quailfication courses as online training. You can join an already scheduled course, or we can schedule your own course if you have multiple participants.

If this is of interest to you, please contact us using the enquiry form on this page for more information and to book.

Our courses that are available as online training:

  • OJTI Refresher 13-14 May or on request
  • ATSEP Basic 11-20 May or on request
  • Assessor Refresher 12-13 May or on request
  • ATSEP Qualification Shared 25-27 May or on request
  • ATSEP Qualification DAT-DP 25 May-2 June or on request
  • ATSEP Qualification NAV Combined 1-12 June or on request
  • ATSEP Meteorology 3-5 June or on request
  • Other ATSEP Qualifications scheduled on your request