
Novosibirsk International Airport (Tolmachevo) celebrated its 62nd birthday on 12 July this year.

The date of the airport operation commencement is 12 July 1957, the day when the aviation enterprise serviced the first passenger flight from Novosibirsk to Moscow, operated on the Tu-104.

The route network of the airport is constantly expanding and cooperation with partner airline companies is strengthening. So, following the results of 2018, the passenger traffic of the airport for the first time approached the mark of six million, the airport served 5.9 million passengers.

In 2019, direct regular air communication from Novosibirsk to Guangzhou, Bukhara, Novokuznetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh was opened. S7 Airlines, a partner of Tolmachevo airport, added a new flight and increased the frequency of flights to Ulan-Ude, Chita, Sochi, St Petersburg, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Omsk and many other destinations. The total number of destinations in the airport’s route network exceeds 95. At the end of 2018, Ural Airlines airline company started operating flights to Hefei in China.

The implementation of a joint project with S7 Airlines to create a hub in Novosibirsk shows significant results, thus indicating that the airport was formed as a large transfer hub. Following the results of 2018, the number of passengers, using Tolmachevo airport as a transfer hub, amounted to 1.357 million people (+35% versus 2017). Their share in the total passenger traffic increased to 23%, ensuring Tolmachevo airport second place in Russia after Moscow Air Transportation Cluster airports. Following the results of six months of 2019, the number of transfer passengers increased by 41% compared to the same period last year. Their share in total passenger traffic was already 26%.

Currently, Tolmachevo provides at least three arrival and departure connecting waves during the day and the number of transfer connection combinations across the route network of S7 Airlines reaches 2,000.

On its birthday, Tolmachevo airport thanks its partners for effective collaboration and its passengers for their confidence in choosing Novosibirsk airport for their travels.