
The Airport Cities Conference (ACC) is an annual meeting place for the Airport Cities Community. From 25 to 26 April 2013, the Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) Company of South Africa will be taking part in this prestigious event – by way of an exhibition – at the Emperors Palace, near the OR Tambo Airport, City of Ekurhuleni.

ATNS is responsible for delivering safe, efficient, equitable and reliable air traffic control service in approximately 10% of the world’s airspace. The company’s services extend further than the familiar air traffic control service, into other various products such as WGS 84 Surveillance Service and Flight Procedure design, among others, which are pertinent to the existence of a world-class Airport.
Airports today are much more than aviation infrastructures.

They are multimodal, multifunctional enterprises generating considerable commercial development within and well beyond their boundaries. All commercial functions of a modern metropolitan centre are locating on and immediately around major airport sites – transforming them from "city airports" to "airport cities".

ATNS’ association with the conference is to share experience, expertise, and insights on product offerings that are related to airport development. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about ATNS and on how to stimulate growth and generate commercial business in their own airports.

This event is expected to draw over 800 delegates, with more than 110 airport operators represented – from over 45 countries.

The ACC follows the 2013 CANSO Global Air Traffic Management Operations Conference that was recently held in February in Madrid, Spain, where ATNS was one of the more than 150 exhibitors, from over 100 countries world-wide, who took part at that event. ATNS showcased its advanced high technology product called the Central Aeronautical Database (CAD) System, which is a solution similar to the European Aeronautical Information System (AIS) Database, also known as EAD. This product, once implemented in the rest of the continent, will ensure that Africa aligns itself with global initiatives and technologies.

Our ACC exhibition stand will host delegates who are mainly Airport Managers, for product demonstrations and networking purposes. Most importantly, this initiative will enable ATNS to strengthen existing stakeholder relations and establish new ones.

ATNS will also have a System Engineer on-site, to provide extensive knowledge to delegates on the company’s Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) capabilities.