
Being a ground handling company dealing with Arrival Services Lost & Found is nowadays not easy if you want to offer good services to handled airlines and stay profitable.

Most of the time, you rely on expensive understaffed manpower (specialized and with many experience years), complaining about work condition dealing with repetitive transactions, heavy workload, night hours and angry customers. Workers can also block your operations, like we just saw with six days strike in Brussels, losing customers that will then move to your competitors.

Airport office location is also killing your cost, with very expensive space for front-desk and back-office to treat incident / stock baggage.

Sky Assist can help with modern applications to enhance your operations to the future by building a business case with positive Return on Investment and enhanced services for passengers / handled airlines:

  • Automated and simplified process-driven applications, supporting you by hiring young less expensive staff with more flexibility and higher productivity
  • Possibility to centralize some tasks outside airport area, working even for more than one station, with decreased office and salary costs
  • Self-services alternatives for passengers, removing part of the workload and pressure from your workers but also from the management in case of strike or crisis situation, at both declaration and follow-up of the baggage incident
  • Less dependency from the airlines that are pushing hard on prices and services

If you are interested in how the BagAssist product and services can support you in keeping Lost & Found department profitable, please visit stand E65 anytime or let’s plan a One-to-One meeting for a 15 minutes introduction.

Ground Handling International Annual takes place 26-29 November in Gothenburg, Sweden.