
On 22 May, the final flight of the renowned Tu-134B of ALROSA Airline Company (RA-65693) was carried out from Mirny (Yakutia) to Novosibirsk in Russia, where it was transferred to the Museum of Aviation History.

ALROSA Airline Company has long and fruitful cooperation with Tolmachevo Airport. Tu-134B RA-65693 is the only Russian aircraft of this type, which is used on regular passenger flights. To preserve the memory of the aircraft, the airline company decided to transfer it to the Museum of Aviation History of the Novosibirsk airport.

“Enrichment of the Museum of Aviation History of Tolmachevo airport with such a legendary aircraft as Tu-134B is an important event that will help to preserve the traditions of the industry,” said Evgeniy Yankilevich, general director of JSC Tolmachevo Airport. “We thank the management of ALROSA airline company for their trust and hope that the partner airlines will continue to contribute to the creation of the most complete historical Museum on the basis of the Novosibirsk airport”.

Tu-134B is the second aircraft transferred by ALROSA Airline Company to the Museum of aviation history in Tolmachevo airport. On 29 September last year, the airline company transferred the legendary Tu-154M “Izhma” to the Museum. It’s worth mentioning, that apart from the aircraft of ALROSA airline company, two memorial aircraft, Tu-154M (tail number RA-85628) and Il-86 (tail number RA-86097), transferred by Sibir airline company, are installed at the airport.

Tu-134 is a short-haul passenger aircraft developed by the experimental design bureau of AN Tupolev. Serial production of the Tu-134 aircraft started in 1966. Jet Tu-134 has become one of the most successful projects in the field of passenger aircraft construction. In was one of the most mass aircraft in the history of Russian civil aviation.