
Early this month, China Eastern successfully validated new ‘Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required’ procedures (RNP AR) at Yushu Airport with a demonstration flight at Yushu Airport. The Yushu airport sits at an elevation of 12,811ft with high surrounding terrain. This type of performance-based navigation (PBN) enhances safety in areas with challenging terrain.

China Eastern partnered with Airbus ProSky to design and implement the new procedures. It is the sixth airport that Airbus ProSky has assisted China Eastern in RNP AR deployment.

"We are pleased to continue our partnership with Airbus ProSky in Yushu. We’ve witnessed the efficiency and safety benefits in a number of airports and are pleased that this will expand to another airport," stated Xu Jiang, Safety Director of China Eastern.

With the new procedures, the airline is able to improve payload by 1.5 metric tonnes for both runways thanks to procedure optimisation. New approach and departure are also developed to the south to connect Yushu with airports in Tibet.

"PBN procedures are key to enhancing efficiency and safety, particularly in challenging terrain. We know that China Eastern, and its passengers, will benefit from the procedures demonstrated. We enjoy working with China Eastern and hope to continue our work together at other airports," stated Cunmei Li, Airbus ProSky regional director.