
When your clients consistently appear in the top ten airports lists, you can bet they have high expectations of their noise management systems.

During the last 60 years, Brüel & Kjær has been privileged to work with some of the world’s top airports to forge ANOMS, the world leading Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System.

The ANOMS difference is in its ability to turn data into information and information into knowledge with:

  • Presentations tailored to your audience, whether management, regulator, airline or community
  • Technology that does its job well; making you more efficient
  • Services that guarantee performance and deliver peace of mind

With product features refined through years of collaboration with the most discerning airports, and service offerings that give you complete confidence that your data is correct, you can rest easy when you choose Brüel & Kjær as a fundamental part of your airport’s noise management program.