
The Airline IT Trends Survey from SITA forecasts a boost in mobile usage for the coming years.

By 2017, more than 90% of airlines will have deployed self-service mobile solutions for flight status notification, check-in and boarding passes.

As for missing baggage management, 66% of airlines will have mobile solutions by the same year. If this forecast is confirmed, this means that between now and 2017, the number of airlines offering mobile applications for missing bag will be multiplied by six times.

The kiosk and mobile self-service options for baggage currently have a limited deployment rate of less than 20%. Nevertheless, there are high expectations for these applications as the planned deployment rate for 2017 is above 60%.

At Sky Assist, we already anticipated this boost in mobile usage. Our self-service applications e-AHLreport (to create an AHL) and e-AHLmanage (to check an AHL status and update AHL) can already run on tablets such as the iPad. We are also working on a mobile version of e-AHLreport, but we will say no more for the moment and keep the surprise for our user conference in October!

Mobile usage