
The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) mapped out an airport development plan (ADP) for Valerio Catullo Airport in Verona. It has become the second North-East hub in Italy in terms of traffic, passengers (3.4million in 2008) and cargo. In order to foster an expansion mainly fuelled by low-cost airlines’ traffic, ADG Engineering contracted Egis to carry out the engineering studies related to the ADP.

Within the framework of this contract, Egis Avia’s team works in cooperation with AtaGroup Company and is in charge of:

  • Implementing the ADP in order to secure an appropriate adequacy between air transport growth and airport capacity
  • Conducting feasibility studies, research, conception, technical/economic conformity assessment, environmental impact assessment and geological/geotechnics reports
  • Drawing up the pilot study and the execution project
  • Coordinating safety aspects in project phase

Achieving the ADP will increase the airport’s airside and landside capacity and will support a global expansion scenario for Verona Airport while considering sustainable development aspects and the airport’s space hold on the territory.