
Ansir Systems has won the contract for the installation of a new baggage handling system at Hawkes Bay Airport, New Zealand.

The Australian company beat two local companies bidding for the contract.

Whilst Ansir Systems has supplied many airports worldwide this will be the first installation in New Zealand.

Ansir business development manager Keith Morling said “It has always been hard to win work in NZ given two of our major competitors are based there. We offered a technically sound proposal and proved to the project team we had the capability to deliver a quality system.”

Recently, Ansir has been busy delivering systems to Indonesia and the Middle East. The company is also in the process of delivering a new in-line screening baggage system to Kangaroo Island in Australia.

Ansir international sales manager Colin Swainson outlined: “Ansir’s order book is looking good at present. With so much happening in Asia at the moment, we are extremely focused on winning many more projects. We offer quality product at a reasonable price and continue to work closely with clients to deliver solutions which suit their needs.”