DFS has recently awarded a frame contract to Skysoft-ATM to deliver a solution to record video, audio and serial channels from all controllers’ working positions in the Bremen, Munich and Langen Area control centres in Germany.

Since 2009, the company has entrusted SkySoft-ATM to provide recording solutions to the Karlsruhe ACC and for several simulations and test equipments across Germany. With this new contract, DFS is confirming confidence in SkySoft’s recording system resulting from over five years of continuous 24/7 operations of the recorders.

With this frame contract DFS is going to add around 4,000 channels to record. It represents by far the largest air traffic control CWP recording project ever performed so far.

As a subsidiary of skyguide, the Swiss ANSP, SkySoft-ATM has understood very quickly the huge advantage of implementing recording solutions at the CWP level to record at any point in time the complete working environment of the controllers. It is beneficial to all stakeholders; from ATCOs to safety managers as well as training staff to be able to replay almost immediately what just happened at an operational, testing or simulation controller position. DFS was an early adopter but nowadays SkyRec is used in about 20 countries.

A new version has recently been delivered including OCR or Snapshot search features to retrieve and bookmark automatically specific information on the video automatically.