
COMSOFT’s modular ATC automation solution PRISMA has proved its capability in flawless site acceptance tests to be compliant with the amendment of ICAO’s 15th edition of the procedures for air navigation services – air traffic management (PANS-ATM, Doc 4444).

Hence, the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) of Abu Dhabi has become the first air navigation service provider in the Middle East and Asia to be capable of accepting both flight plan formats with their COMSOFT system. This supports GCAA’s effort to prepare the transition to the new format and to continue an early integration programme with users in 2011.

ICAO’s prior adopted resolution to restructure and refine the contents of flight plans was based on a proposal of the flight plan study group (FPLSG) and its mandatory application is determined for 15 November 2012. The decisive factor for initiating the update of the ICAO flight plan form was the intention to portray the means of aircraft with advanced capabilities. In addition, contents of a flight plan will be improved in such a way that, for example, modern navigation and communication capabilities can be indicated and various fields and indicators declared in more detail.

By passing this noteworthy milestone PRISMA is now prepared to master both flight plan variants and is thus fully settled for this worldwide transition.