Airport noise management has come a long way since Brüel & Kjær installed its first airport noise monitoring system at Fornebu, Norway, back in 1966.

These days you need to do more than just monitor the noise. Public demands for quieter airports have brought about strict legislation that has made airport noise monitoring compulsory in many countries. All airports need to engage their communities with clear and accurate information about aviation impacts and the airport’s mitigation programs.

Brüel & Kjær’s Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS) has always provided airports with the leading tools to manage their noise and environment programs.

Using ANOMS’s full suite of analytical tools, publication ready reports and web-based applications for engaging the local community your airport can:

  • Enforce your noise abatement policies
  • Reduce noise impact
  • Promote efficient operations
  • Respond effectively to noise complaints
  • Increase your environmental capacity